Who has not started studying yet?

I passed L1 after failing in 2006, all using Schweser. I have CFAI and Schweser L2 books. I am doing a 9 session weekend course program with 7city. I have read two of the Fixed Income readings, but feel rather slow, and glad the feeling of being overwhelmed is getting me so early so I get motivated to work hard. I have five weeks before my classes start, so I plan to read / scan a 1/5 books per weekend until then. Hope to start problems as soon as possible, but not until I have read through everything.

started Jan 2 and started in FI which I bombed last time and will follow next week with PM. taking Stalla Online starting 3rd week of January but also picked up the Q bank this time…I’m going to be so sick of answering questions by June.

Yeah, some LOS’s from L1 to L2 but there were also some LOS’s moved from L3 to L2 so watch out! Namely time series and additional PM LOS’s. I started studying last week and am now on Regression (again). Will hit ANOVA and mulitple regression tomorrow and then I figure a few days for time series…

OMG back to the old question of CFAI or Schweser, I have started FSA, CFAI is really wordy but Scheweser is not enough, what should I do? I can’t keep reading both at the same time…coz its very distracting to do so especially for the review later, I won’t know which part from which book did i read…

I bought my books from Schweser yesterday. I’m gonna arse rape this test.

Started this week and man is it hard to get fired up for it.

I will NOT start. I will start in late Feb. I will start complaining about running out of time in the beginning of May. I will start smoking again middle of May.

“I will NOT start. I will start in late Feb. I will start complaining about running out of time in the beginning of May. I will start smoking again middle of May.” Agree on all accounts…well except for smoking, I’ll just drink even more…if that’s physically possible.

smoking is seriously under rated. all the cool people do it.

After a year and a half hiatus, gangsta-patel is back to whack the L2!! I see some L1 friends from '06 moved to L3 - congrats!! I’ll have the pleasure of working with the rest this year for L2… Now all I have to do is sign up and get the damn books!! I’m in the Feb 2 camp with houston, if I get my shizzle in time…

I will be hitting the books on monday January 14th, was suppose to hit them this monday but got way too much to do this week…

Jabroni…just curious…do u live in brampton by any chance…

What’s up b!tches?!?!?! I’m back from a wicked X-mas break back home in SK, and although feeling kinda bummed out that the holidays are over and I barely even know where the time went, I’m ready to rip into this shite and tear this biatch a new hole come June. I can’t say that I’m too excited to be going through this hell again, but at least I’ve got some of usual suspects crew here to help cattle prod me back up to par: Houston, Turk, Casp, 3L, Storko, etc. A few of my study crew here in CHI hit up the Stalla seminar on Tues night with Olinto and that definitely kick-started my brain back into gear with the pension accounting section. I’m planning on hitting the library tomorrow for a good 5-6 hours and easing into things with ethics and quant, which I did pretty good on last June. Right now I’m just using Schweser and will gradually move into the curriculum books for FSA, equity and derivatives, which I got @ass-pounded on. Looking forward to getting back into mental and physical shape over the next few months and then it’s on like Donkey Kong! Have a good weekend boys and girls!

welcome back zimmer…lets rip this up yo. and great chirp Risque…i bet he is from brown-ton or at least knows everyone there…

I’ll start Jan 24 (Tokyo time)!

I havent registered yet, but downloaded SS1 from the CFAI site and just starting reading about 10 minutes ago. Bored already! So I guess I have started reading, but whether I can call it studying is another matter!!!

Same here … waiting for L1 results. Hopefully I will have enough time to finish sessions.

I just got the Schweser notes and will start this weekend. I have had a difficult time getting motivated, but I guess now is the time. I plan on using Schweser to cover most of the material and referring to the CFAI materials to cover topics I need extra help on and to work the questions. Good luck to everyone gearing up for LII and I look forward to working with you all in preparing for the exam.

just passed L1. Not yet enrolled in level II. I am planning to start studying in March.

havent started yet :slight_smile: happy to see so many ppl like me :slight_smile: This means I am not the only one whose chances of passing L2 are steadily declining.