Yo Birdman! Let's Debate Open Mindedness

sunny in cali. heading to vegassss thougghhhh.

cant wait to hear what ridiculous story comes out of this trip

Wrong, changed my mind because it was logically presented, testable, and fit the observations. And, my “existing political beliefs” have also changed over time, they are not fixed, they were not what they are. You are just a closed-minded person who thinks everyone else is biased, because you are biased.

WRONG! Proven by the fact that liberalism, which claimed this, discarded all the old beliefs, and then became a religious cult! LMFAO. :grin:

And so the experiment was already conducted, and the results are in. Why did this happen? Why after the enlightenment, did humans arc back around to the counter-enlightenment subjectivism of postmodernism? Because, humans are genetically religious , this is the part that Dawkins-type thinkers missed.

Same as how the cult of postmodernism are writing their false beliefs into law, and working around the law via corporate-media/tech. Again the difference being that: ideologies that have survived thousands of years are passed down wisdom and at least have some utility.

Yeah let us debate open mindedness.

Just don’t use the following words please.


The GOP is not even trying to hide the fact that they’re some super weirdo cult.

Futurama quote? Respect

You just tried to give evidence of cult-like behavior, by posting “proof,” from a corporate radical-leftist cult. Jeff Bezos, pushing a corporate coup, while having byline “Democracy Dies in Darkness”. HA, that’s some honesty, they aren’t even trying to hid the fact that they’re some super weirdo cult.

Again, all groups of humans are essentially cults (defined below). All that matters is utility. Christianity and Confucianism are two cults that are proven to work; as they gave birth to successful societies in the East/West. Marxism and postmodernism have never worked, because they are not feasible. Check mate, not all cults are created equal!

cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object