Your Favorite Beer

As mentioned on the first page, Bells Two-Hearted Ale is the best beer on the planet.

I can’t find it in the state of Texas.

arrogant bastard ale, duvel, sierra nevada, and guinness (I’m of irish descent)

Okay, lots of Aussie bashing going on today on this forum. Go easy guys would you. I’m feeling a little vulnerable here.

Fosters is not a beer. It doesn’t exist in Australia. It’s an alcohol and beverage company (like GM is not a car). And Fosters beer is actually made in the UK.

Regarding VB, I’m glad you like it, but VB is seen here very much as the bogan beer (i.e White Trash beer). I personally hate the taste, but wouldn’t drink it just because of it’s image (if I saw my boss coming and I was drinking a VB, I’d jump into a bush). It’s not a classy look to be see drinking VB.

I like my Guinness - the Foreign Extra Stout from the bottle/can. Not the draught version which is creamier, smoother and less bitter (and not to my taste).

I spent about 15 seconds scanning previous post for the “arrogant bastard” you were responding to before realizing you’re talking about a beer.

Love their website description of the beer.

"This is an aggressive ale. You probably won’t like it. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth. We would suggest that you stick to safer and more familiar territory–maybe something with a multi-million dollar ad campaign aimed at convincing you it’s made in a little brewery, or one that implies that their tasteless fizzy yellow beverage will give you more sex appeal. Perhaps you think multi-million dollar ad campaigns make things taste better. Perhaps you’re mouthing your words as you read this. At Stone Brewing, we believe that pandering to the lowest common denominator represents the height of tyranny - a virtual form of keeping the consumer barefoot and stupid. Brought forth upon an unsuspecting public in 1997, Arrogant Bastard Ale openly challenged the tyrannical overlords who were brazenly attempting to keep Americans chained in the shackles of poor taste. As the progenitor of its style, Arrogant Bastard Ale has reveled in its unprecedented and uncompromising celebration of intensity. There have been many nods to Arrogant Bastard Ale…even outright attempts to copy it… but only one can ever embody the true nature of liquid Arrogance!"

Brew Dog - Sink the Bismark

41% ABV!

Wow! This is a true liver-buster! One of these is equivalent to about 8 beers.

I like the extra stout a little more than the foreign extra, but I’m with you on the draught.

It’s the world’s strongest beer. Not for the feint hearted!

World’s best beer goes on sale.

Any of you men interested?

This… whisky is the only liquor worth drinking straight IMO, and while everyone has preference bourbon is my drink of choice. Probably a side effect of my inner redneck though.

It’s one of those things you just have to put down your purse and force yourself to enjoy, at first. By the end of your first bottle you’ll be surprised how smooth the stuff goes down. To start I’d recommend either a Knob Creek 9-year or my personal fave, Woodford Reserve (hence the username lol). The woodford is a completely different taste, but much much smoother, and at 45% there’s no urgent need to add any water (KC=50%, so a splash of water isn’t a bad idea. I was taught to dilute any whisky to the 35-40% range). No ice/stones though, they’re gimmicks and only mask the flavor while doing nothing to the burn.

I don’t drink much beer anymore, partly due to winter partly due to the hangovers/trying to get what little health from my booze I can hah. But when I do I love me a bottle of Smithwick’s. If I’m camping and getting drunk or whatever it’ll almost always be Kokanee though.

That can’t possibly taste good. I remember trying a Sam Adams Triple Bok back in the day and it tasted like maple syrup with a shot of Everclear.

Yes I can understand what you mean.

I haven’t actually tried this one, but I have tried the Brew Dog “Tactical Nuclear Penguin” which is 32% ABV.

It was actually very tasty but it does have a kind of syrupy texture to it. Nowhere near as thick as syrup but definitley thicker than a normal beer and kind of sweet like syrup.

If you drank a whole one by yourself though you’d probably pass out!

Great Beer: John mills? oatmeal stout/Xingu dark beer

Great Local beer: 7 seas Port Royal (gig harbor washington)

Odd beer: Lobotomy Boch from Indian Wells brewing company

cheap beer: coors lite.

Is Arrogant bastard a really bitter hop bomb? I havent been a fan of really bitter beers, but may try it.

I just drank Belhaven Wee Heavy Scottish Ale. Holy shut this is the best beer I’ve ever tasted.

Heineken all the way…although I am a hard liquor fan.

arrogant bastard is one of their less-bitter ones. The Stone IPA is also good.

Want bitter? Try Stone Smoked Porter. Your palate will never forgive you.

too many pages to go back and see if this was mentioned, but i had my all time favorite beer exactly one night. I don’t even recall the exact name. Tetley or something…i believe it was a special edition domestic beer with Tetley tea brewed in. I had it one night at a bar and never saw it again. Best beer drinking night of my life.

stone is one my favorite breweries…actually had the arrogant bastard last week.

lagunitas is really good too (ipa, lil sumpin sumpin, hop stoopid)