2018 Actual L3 Exam

I noticed that the past exam that they posted has multiple choice item sets instead of the written constructed responses for both AM and PM sessions. Is there a reason why they don’t show us the essay style questions from 2018???

Any charterholder has found the way to see it?

If there’s a Will there’s a Way.

I recall from my results that I got pretty much 0% on the AM equities. Can’t recall the question (or sub-questions) but it definitely fooled me.

This is ridiculous. I thought I did well on the Equity questions but when I got results back, I had totally bombed it so I would have wanted to see what I did wrong before rewriting, but they have changed the question…

Maybe because they used a completely new “style” (wording, questions,…) compared to the past? :slight_smile:

A lot of difference in the actual June 2018 and this new posted “mock.” Frustrating as I’ve been stewing since June over how to answer one I couldn’t figure out on exam day and now that question/answer is totally different.

can someone please pm me the 2018 am exam? been wanting to look at it for months

Is it because Equity Readings changed in 2019 so Institute rewrite the Equity question to serve 2019 candidate?

Sent a couple of PMs to members here looking for 2018 AM Exam, but to no avail. Any chance there is a someone here willing to share?

Wish I could send it to ya, but I got like 10 PMs about sending these exams… I dont know if anyone is a “plant” or a sting op LOL… trying to stay away from ethical issues.

Why aren’t we allowed to see our own exam?

Because it’s not your exam. You pay to take their exam!

Has anyone tried to contact the institute regarding what’s going on? Since what they uploaded says “Mock” along with claims of sections being different than what people recall? Perhaps there was a mistake of some sort by the institute?

Good point. But I still want to see the exam!

I believe Institute did a lot of post exam analysis, factoring some of the feedbacks from candidates or professors and might reconstitute the presentation of certain questions. I would say they are trying to release an essay “mock” that has most value to level 3 candidate. From exam preparation perspective, it’s a good thing.

Seems I wrote a post with no real value :blush:

I’m a charterholder - just call CFA Institute, give them your membership #, and they’ll email you then 2018 AM exam.

Has anyone tried this? I will give them a call tomorrow if I can find some time.

I did reach out to the CFAI and was told that the 2018 full exam is not available as it is considered property of the CFAI. However, they provided me the 2018 Level 3 mock which is a mix of exam and mock exam content, indicating which questions were mock content. I’m sure if candidates that passed Level 3 last year reach out their request will be equally accommodated.

I am a charterholder and I called CFA Institute. They sent me the 2018 AM exam and guideline answers via e-mail yesterday.

I screwed up the Equity question as well, so was anxious to see the guideline answers.