Applying to b-school on a lark -- is it worth it?

UVA is a good school, but weaker than NYU/Yale for finance. Yale really only has one strong suit and that is the Hedge Funds that recruit there; right now thats abit on the weak side. NYU is awesome for anything sell side (sell side research and banking in particular), abit weaker for buy side opportunities (Asset mgmt). Columbia is the inverse of NYU, stronger buy side programs, weaker sell side. Harvard’s strong suits would be banking, consulting, and corp finance. MIT is more quant and is one step removed from a MastersSciFinEng imo. Lots of roels tie into this. UVA would be more corporate finance oriented imo. All depends on what you want of course. I would STRONGLY encourage you to look at the list of where people ended up working after graduating. You will notice some pretty strong patterns. Go to the school that has a powerful recruiting setup with the firms/positions you wish to work in.

Which school has the hottest chicks?

… where the girls are less selective because with their ponytails. A place where I can handle the regalness of a woman’s updo

Thanks. Sounds like for my line of work Columbia or Yale would be the “safety school” of choice. I guess if I decide to go through the motions and apply, if I don’t get into either one it’s probably not worth it to do round 2 anywhere else.

Your safety school, Columbia, is my target school. There is no better program in a city that will embrace the lovely world of value investing, nerdiness, great food, and the best nightclubs all at the same time.

Dude if you want to be in the middle of the party scene go to NYU. At Columbia you have to take the subway for like half an hour to get to all the h0’s.

What about Harlem? I didn’t party there but it’s close. Would I get shot?

If you like 'em thick and jiggly then that might be a good choice.

Oh ok, not so much. Wow, the train ride to the Meatpacking District is actually quite long. Looks like you’d have to cab it everytime. Driving is 15 minutes

So assuming I’m applying to Columbia and Yale round 1 if I get an acceptable GMAT score in the next 3-4 weeks, what would that score be? Like if I get under 700, should I scrap this plan altogether.

Well I just looked up Columbia and like some previous poster said they only have early decision where you actually have to go to the d@mn school if you get in. Screw that sh!t, nowhere near enough prestige for me to commit 2 years of my life at the drop of a hat. Looks like my safeties are Yale and NYU now. I’m leaning about 60/40 towards applying at this point, will take a couple GMAT practice tests this week and see if I’m in the ballpark.

^ you do need to put a deposit for early round which is non-refundable. But someone from successfully get his deposit back after smooching the admission committee with a convincing excuse (forgot what)

Dracop - you made some good points. However, Columbia is an absolute target on the sell side. Just look at their placement for IB, trading, ER. Also - Yale is not that good. - IHIHM - never put yale in the same breath with columbia again. Columbia is a finance monster.

before you get too ambitious why dont you focus on the GMAT.

I also thought I was a shoe-in at these schools (Top15 undergrad w/honors AND varsity sports, MC+IB experience, 750GMAT, minority, and I de-wormed orphans in the jungles of LatAm), but had to reapply the following year after being WL at CBS and because I was in an extended sabbatical (takes a while to de-worm all those orphans) I had to settle down the rankings the following year. It is a lot more competitive than what you think, you might want to throw a USC/UCLA and a couple of other safeties in there.

I’m only interested in attending a brand name school within an easy commute from NYC since my gf would still be here. That basically limits my choices to the 6 aforementioned schools, so it’s not a case of me wanting to go to b-school per se but more of a wanting to get a brand name on the resume. I went to a brand name undergrad so I wouldn’t want to go to a grad school that is lesser-regarded since that would add no value to my credentials. So basically it’s either get into one of those 6 schools or not go at all, and even if it’s a 5% chance of getting in anywhere and 95% for getting rejected across the board, my whole contention that it may still be worth it to apply just so I don’t have a case of the what-ifs later. Re: Columbia early decision, here’s my thinking: say I get into Columbia, now I’m thinking I have a shot of getting into Harvard or Penn, either of which I would attend over Columbia in a heartbeat. If I apply and get into Columbia early decision, I would never even get the chance to apply to those two. On the flip side, if my chances of getting into Columbia are significantly better early decision, then if I don’t take that route I might not get in at all and obviously I could also get rejected from Harvard and Penn and end up not getting in anywhere. That is the early decision conundrum.

Go to USC or UCLA and get a new girlfriend. A NY transplant like you could dominate the SoCal finance scene. BTW, saw some tennis last night. Got to watch Sharapova annihilate with her abreviated swing and ridiculously long legs. Good tips all around on the deleted US Open thread.

ceo1975 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I also thought I was a shoe-in at these schools > (Top15 undergrad w/honors AND varsity sports, > MC+IB experience, 750GMAT, minority, and I > de-wormed orphans in the jungles of LatAm), but > had to reapply the following year after being WL > at CBS and because I was in an extended sabbatical > (takes a while to de-worm all those orphans) I had > to settle down the rankings the following year. > It is a lot more competitive than what you think, > you might want to throw a USC/UCLA and a couple of > other safeties in there. What was your job exp? Are you an underep minority?

Yeah Asians don’t count as minorities in the academic world.