Book 1 Scores

dude, seriously? You just set up the curve (70% of 93 = 65.1). 65.1 is the passing score for this exam. (I passed :))

CFAdreams and Irishgyy, I was wondering the same thing. I do believe there is such a bias. I treat all those >80 AFers as a leading force in this game, benchmark like this helps us to have greater chance to survive at the end if we are close enough to them.

Dude nirjraina! - Dont you feel sorry for us fellow colleagues who are going to take the exam with you?

Holy S***, 56 / 60 is definitely a zen-like state.

cpk never posts his scores. I wonder what he gets.


^61/60… LMAO The CFA pays CPK to take the mock exams to verify that there are no errors…

cpk’s done by now - don’t you get it?

C’mon guys. CpK is not Chuck Knorris.

CpK once drop kicked Chuck Norris tho… It didnt end up well for anyone

1AM 58% (hadn’t even looked at ethics) 1PM 70% 2AM 70% 2PM 75%

One thing that really seems to be helping on L2 is having 3 minutes per Q. Even if you are unsure of a concept or calculation there’s plenty of time to work through it or use trial and error.

doesn’t seem to help me - I’m having real trouble getting into the mid 70’s. Generally have at least 2 shocking vignettes of 2 or 3, which pretty much stuffs me up for the rest of the exam

is sch exam book 2 more difficult than 1? or are these two books similar in difficulty and style?

Book 7 is definitely more difficult, more calculations and harder question sets on FSA, Fixed income and Deriavtive. One summary, it is not straightforward like book 6 and in my opinion, a little overdone

book6 1AM 82% 02-May book6 1PM 88% 02-May book6 3AM 85% 09-May book6 3PM 80% 09-May book7 1AM 77% 10-Apr book7 1PM 65% 10-Apr book7 2AM 72% 16-Apr book7 2PM 77% 16-Apr book7 3AM 70% 25-Apr book7 3PM 67% 25-Apr example1 80% 07-May example2 73% 08-May example3 77% 08-May Book 6 is much easier than Book 7, for book 7, sometimes, I feel that my correct rate could be the same whether or not I read the vignette CFAI is about similar difficulty as book 6, but questions are more straight forward, just save you lots of time looking for pieces of information Anyway, seems I am quite consistent, average = 76%, median = 77%, standard deviation = 6.9% but there are quite some questions I just had to guess through. For lots of scary calculations, what I could do was just to make judgement based on basic concepts … I think this could be the only way for many questions on the real exam 3.8 weeks to go!

exam 2 - AM 77% shocked it was this good, felt like i was getting crushed doing this one. tanked PM pretty bad (need to work on tax calculations) - and whats up with three FI item sets?

ndzhai, very impressive scores. It looks like you’re running out of exams. What are you going to do over the next few weeks?

Exam 1AM: 66.7% Exam 1PM: 73.3% Exam 2AM: 68.3% Exam 2PM: 70% --> PM really killed me. Mini Mock 1: 70%. I was ticked in the mini mock because I coudlve easily gotten 80%+, but made some really stupid mistakes. Marked a couple answers incorrectly by accident. Overall though, less painless than Schweser exams IMO. I have no idea what the real mock is like though. Aim to do that either this weekend or next week.

I am doing Qbank as well, finished 60%, however, I doubt if I am going to continue, as I found Qbank questions are just misleading, full of typos (you have to guess questions sometime), and lots of them follows old rules. for the rest of time, I will focus on CFAI curriculum questions and aim to finish them. BTW, before several exams, I was trying to stretch myself a little bit so I wouldn’t get the best strength, i.e., get up at 8:45 and start exam at 9:00 without breakfast, or start the test after a couple of beer. Try this folks, it will help you. But of course, I will be fully prepared on D-day, no beer before the damn real thing :slight_smile: