Bros - need guidance

Congratulations, people of AF, you’ve done it again, in helping to influence American policy. The results are incredible.

Doesn’t matter, had sex

Nice, I didn’t realize he had one out will check it out this weekend.

It’s been all over the news. Liberal sites like Vice and Buzzfeed are tearing it apart saying he’s done and finally gone too far. Right leaning sites like Breitbart loved it. They had an article yesterday titled, “Dave Chapelle May Just Save America.” God I hate “news” sites.

I’ve watched the first half. It’s very good, as usual.

There was no political debate, just a few people making casual observations. It was oddly civil tbh.

So I watched it last night. First half was I felt great. The second half some of the jokes I felt really tanked, not for political reasons, they just were kind of hokey and failed to land. I would grade the second half a C and the first half an A, average it to a B and understandably it gives any reviewer with an ax to grind leeway to push their angle. Some of the social political commentary was spot on, some things I felt he really missed wide.

His attempt to justify using the F gay slur essentially fell back on “why can they say it and I can’t” and most rational people can understand why that debate has been settled in this day and age. IMO, just admit we’ve progressed some and move on. Others were really good and some of the punch lines in the first half were really, really good and no holds barred, which I haven’t seen in some time.

Ultimately, to most comedians point, people need to realize you can disagree on their take or find something offensive without freaking out. These are primarily jokes not social commentary. Between this and Aziz’s new thing among a few others, there seems to be a major pushback underway.

Best stand up show I have watched in years; and I watch a lot of them…

I was surprised by how calm Aziz was on his last special. What he went through recently definitely humbled him.

The audio was so poor I couldn’t watch it. He’d be whispering one second and yelling the next. From what I could understand, it was good though.

Been there. No one gets an ultrasound at 7 weeks…she’s just late. This is a serious emerging markets move by the gf…trying to hook you into relationship. When you say she is a professional poker player, you sure she isn’t just dancing at the club where the poker is being played?

That’s not accurate at all, we had an ultrasound around 6-7 weeks, pretty standard.

Sorry yes, if you are a couple it makes sense. I don’t think single girl who is late is going for ultrasound at 6 weeks.

This was Kid 1, it was at a planned parenthood and we’d been dating about six months. We ended up keeping it.


Straight facts Franky! The whole saga is on here somewhere. I found out via text I’m not exaggerating, while eating a steak stage side at at a strip club. Seems like a different lifetime.


This is about us, 'cuz you’re so special to me… you’re a beat to my heart, you’re the air I breathe, 'cuz you’re so special to me.


Thought you were female? You go to strip clubs as a woman?

Whatever floats your boat. I personally can’t stand strip clubs. Not because I dislike titties, but because I am repulsed by the idea of paying to see boobies that I can’t touch. That’s literally cuckolding yourself in my opinion.

  1. Policies vary wildly by club.

  2. Depending on if you’re going for lap dances (see 1) you aren’t really paying more than any other bar.

  3. The rest of your logic is just not good.

What? If you pay money to see boobies and become aroused, ultimately to go home and whack off to relieve the sexual tension that was built up from seeing tits, that is pretttttttty damn close to cuckolding. You’re not sleeping with the stripper, someone else is.

Right, so what’s pron?

Look you seem inexperienced, so as usual the burden falls on us to spell it out for you. Not everybody is so sheltered they see a set of bobs and run off into the woods to do unspeakable things. Its a bar, there are, if it is quality, some beautiful people there and they are topless or full off and may or may not be contact (see 1). So its a fun atmosphere to hang out with friends and shoot the sh*t. If you’re going to be hanging out minding your business the room may as well be filled with attractive naked people. If you’re the furtively run off in the bushes afterwards type, your partner is likely also small minded, but for the rest of us it’s also a pretty fun place to take a girlfriend / spouse. Plus you don’t have to take the staff seriously like real people. It is all relative, maybe I wouldn’t blow 10% of my bonus on the $20 cover charge (that’s like 40 Coors Lights / half an abortion) but if you loosen up and live a little eating a steak in that environment beats most venues.