
^Mainly talking about the first part of your post. Trump didn’t have the support of his base until a day or two before the election and pulled it off. Bernie had people fired up just like Trump did. Had the DNC not rigged the primary, he’d probably would have won it. That and the whole Super Delegate thing…

They didn’t really come out for Hillary on Tuesday either. She got a smaller percentage of women and minorities than Obama did and they came out in fewer numbers, so she got a smaller slice of a smaller pie. Bernie also beat her in MI and WI, states that Trump won because democrats didn’t show up on Tuesday.

We’re not talking about the general, we’re talking about the primary. Regardless of whether they showed up in the general, Bernie didn’t have support among African Americans. Obviously that is an important block.

How do you know?

I do not think Bernie Sanders would have won the nomination, even if DNC did not bust him. However, the result would have been much closer, and Hillary would have had to spend a lot more money to fight him - money that could have been used in the national election. Furthermore, she would have had to promise those millennials more handouts, thus providing more reasons for Republicans or undecided voters to jab at her.

Neither did Hillary when it actually mattered. She lost the rust belt because inner city voters in those states (read African Americans) didn’t show up on Tuesday. Democrats haven’t been able to elect a non-black president for 20 years.

We don’t, but we do know that Hillary wasn’t able to beat the least qualified, least popular candidate in history. Could Bernie really have done worse?

I repeat, the point was about winning the primary, not the general.

Again, repeating, the comment is about Bernie winning the primary, not his chances in the general.

There are pictures of Bern as a college student protesting with AA. He’s been an advocate for equal rights since his early days. He had the minority vote - well deserved- in his pocket. His downfall was allowing the super delegates.

While he had a huge portion of the younger AA demographic once you got a bit older & many other minorities he really didnt do that well with them (even though he certainly deserved their vote more)

Californians are free to pursue what ever policies they choose within California, just as Massachusetts chose Romneycare. So they’re pissed they can’t force their policies on the rest of us…Just not my kind of people. I’m much more tolerant than they are of those that want to pursue policies and lifestyles that differ from my own desires.

The only reason this “California leaving the US” is getting attention is because the liberal media is still licking their wounds and will make any anti-Trump story front page news

Are they reporting on the story where a group of black people dragged and beat the crap out of a white guy that voted for Trump? (a video is recorded and widely online). No. of course not

Wait, if no one reported that video, how do you know about it?

I don’t totally agree. Trump did have the support of his base. they just stood in the silent majority until election day. There’s no point arguing with the crazy leftists who would sooner run over your mailbox and salt your flower garden if you openly said you were a Trump supporter

I think Bernie vs Trump would have been a much closer race, hard to say if Bernie would have won it all

^how much closer

Nobody cares who he marched with in the 60s. Black people have moved on since then and backed Clinton. He lost the superdelegates, but he also lost the pledged delegates as well. Maybe BS would have done great in the general, but there’s no reason to believe he would have won the nomination.

But we can’t know how much influence Hillary having all those super delegates in her pocket had on the primary voting? People tend not to vote for someone they think will lose, so if the DNC hadn’t pushed the super delegates to endorse Hillary before voting even began Bernie might have won more early primaries. He might not have, but we’ll never know because the DNC chose Hillary long before the primaries even began and ended up paying the price for that choice on Tuesday.

It’s everywhere and being played up by your ‘alt-right’ buddies. Fascinating how they’re playing the victim card while ignoring the reports pouring in from everywhere about people no better than neo-nazis crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches.

California is the largest market in the US and, as such, on those issues where state legislation can have a significant impact, California can move the needle for the rest of the nation. I believe - and someone correct me if I’m wrong on this - that much of the emissions improvements in automobiles in recent years is due to automakers manufacturing vehicles that will meet California’s increasingly stringent environmental regulations. And I believe California has legislation mandating a certain amount of sustainable energy to be produced in the state by X year.