CFA sample exam scores


What a day! Sample 1: 60 % :frowning: Sample 2: 83 % :slight_smile: Sample 3: 90 % :slight_smile: I started out loosing all my self-confidence, but later on I won it back!

I’m worried by the volatility in people’s scores… Thankfully the sample is only 1/4 of the exam.

There were two questions in the Free Online Sample about NCREIF (smoothed and unsmoothed) and NCREIT and NCREIF. Did anybody notice ‘SALE PRICE BIAS’ instead of stale price bias? Also, quesion 19, Does anybody think it was not properly worded? It was about NAREIT vs NCREIF (creation/method).

80 76 90 that third score though had about 2 lucky guesses (no clue, just picked one) but otherwise was ok. The equity question about style analysis was easy…unfortunately, I don’t think it will be quite as easy on exam day

80 on the free sample. I’m happy with that after starting 2/6 on the first vignette (ethics). Overall I thought it was surprisingly straight forward (except as noted below). Tom - Those were the other two questions I got wrong besides ethics. Yes, I noticed the “sale” versus “stale”, which pisses me off b/c they imply the exact opposite thing. Maybe I should have realized that was what they were getting at. I don’t remember question 19.

holy… you guys are either geniuses or i have some kind of undiagnosed autism because these things are anything but straightforward. I clicked through the first one after i got like a bunch wrong in a row (ended up with 50%), and got 67% on the second and third ones. Problem is, i felt like i was guessing at what they were asking me sometimes, especially on friggin fixed income and currency stuff. Anyway, I’m in no position to offer advice, but I say just get through the tests as fast as you can. what’s the point in ‘saving’ the exams and finding your weaknesses that much closer to the test date?

A lot can be learned this last week - I hope! Just look at my score. I went from 60% to 90% in just a few hours…!!

Sample 1: 73% — first test, i like it, plenty of time left to work towards the 80s

another 73 on sample 3. i’m pretty f’ing frustrated.

just rounded up an 83 on sample 2, after an 80 on sample one… headed in the right direction.

good work, ilvino… i thought i was going to hit 80 on the last one, but flubbed it on the last 2 vignettes. kind of bummed me out.

I only took the free sample 83%

thanks sf - I was going to hit the final one tonight, but I’m pretty tired. Need to get some sleep to work though the 08 morning exam tomorrow and the mock tomorrow afternoon. I will either be flying high or deeply crushed by tomorrow night.

Nice il. Hope it softens blow of the cavs.

good scores ilvino.

yeah, i’m pretty much oblivious to the outside world at this point. next sunday i’ll be pissed they lost, but for now oh well.

thanks dubbs, i started off so slow this year, but i feel like things are picking up this last week. gotta keep our eyes on the prize.

i don’t know what it is. it feels like something’s not clicking for me this year… i guess i should feel ok with an above 70 score, but with the scores i’ve been seeing, i feel like my scores are pretty shtty. it’s usually just screwing up badly on one vignette and doing well on all the others. 7 days to fix it. awesome. F.

witness. P.