
is that coming from personal experience or what u read on da newz?

So you are saying that living in Palestine sucks balls? Ok, no one is disputing that. The question is what can be done about that.

I don’t think it would work for Israel to politely ask Hamas’ sponsors to not give Hamas money. I do not have any detailed research though, so maybe it would work. “Hey guys, can you stop paying Hamas money, since they are rocketing us and it’s not too pleasant”. “Oh, so you don’t like being shot with rockets? Apologies, we really had no idea”.

I saw Rihanna tweet #FreePalestine so I’m liberal now. :smiley:

Da newz showed me this. You be the judge.

Anyways, I am out. Let’s hope there is still some humanity left.

P.s Mods, Please delete these if you consider them offensive.

**EDITED 2nd picture. Too Extreme ***

even that secular yid Jon Stewart is supporting Palestine. This ish is getting out of hand with these hipsters.

dang broz why wasnt dis on da newz, lets try to fix our own backyards first


I already know my country is a shithole. No need to prove it.

On an another note, you still have hatred towards Palestinians because of what happened with you in your childhood. You seek revenge. Now imagine that it is happening all over again, but this time you are a Palestinian

i dont hate palestinians kiddo,i hate hummus

And whatever your opinion, these are war crimes and they have to stop now.

Israel told civilians they could return to their home and then gave them 5 minutes warning before bombing the fk out of them.


1967 kid. We will never forget

This is basically a re-run of the ‘Go USA’ thread and I doubt it will go anywhere this time either

The one bit of truth spoken here. It’s amusing the stances people have taken on this issue. If we take this conflict in isolation the story that comes out is actually disturbing. Israel blamed the kidnapping of 3 Israelis on Hamas and rounded up close to 500 palesteniens on the west bank for arrest and detention. The injustice coupled with brutal economic sanctions in the Gaza was a powder keg waiting to explode. Hamas launched their rockets in defiance because you know they don’t really have a voice seeing Israel and USA have made sure that for the time being Palestine can never speak in the UN. That’s no problem. What about Abbas you say? Abbas the moderate backed by USA, leader of the west back where Hamas influence is neglegible. Why not bring Abbas to the table to take things forward? No dice, Bibi (Netanyahu) is on record saying that Palestine will never exist as a free state.

This is not speculation. This is out there in his own words. This will never bring the Palesteniens to the table anymore because they come once before and had to watch as their people who had surrendered got slaughtered in a refugee camp. I cannot stress this enough, even if you think that Israels action in this issue is justified how the hell did they _ go after a refugee population that had surrendered _? The UN declared it as an _ act of genocide _ but no actions were taken and Ariel Sharon, the man responsible went on to lead Israel. Crazy.

Leaving all that aside, the question here is how to solve the problem. Obviously a complex issue but if there is one thing everyone can agree on it is - no matter what your cause, whether it is religious oppression, ethnic confrontation etc the scent of money and the hope of a better equal world for your children is a very powerful motivator to lay down weapons. It has happend in numerous places.

If economic sanctions and blockades are lifted _ without continued illegal settlements _ and slaughtering of refugee populations and investment is allowed to flow in with the true promise of a free palestine sometime in the future then if Hamas do anything to threaten that the citizens of Gaza will go after them themselves.

If this step is too much to take then the west bank should be declared as representative of the palestine people. You know the west bank led by Abbas that has very little Hamas presence and when the people of Gaza see their brothers living free lives and building a homeland for their children Hamas will loose all credibility in the strip.

As long as Israel with their Iron Dome, nuclear weapons, western backing, illegal settlements and slaughtering refugees continue trying to play the role of victim while occupying and blockading someone elses land nothing will change.

Whatever the path, the first step towards reconciliation is either allowing investment or recognizing either Gaza or the West Bank as free Palestine. Then the moderates will really have a voice.

^ I just read the entire WashPo article. There isn’t anything even close to a war crime described therein. In fact, it shows how Israel tries to avoid civilian casualties by informing citizens of upcoming attacks in their neighborhood.


Yeah my bad. Telling a civilian population that operations in their village are over and they can head home and then when they actually arrive giving them 5 minutes to clear out is a real gentlemans gesture. Technically, it might not be. It’s a bloody strange move though.

They lost their place at the UN peacekeeping centre too because the actually believed the Israelis. Tough luck for them I guess.

^ I don’t like making assumptions, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the alleged terrorist in the neighbors house only returned home after Israel gave the all-clear, hoping that the civilians moving back home would deter Israeli fire.

Wow, ok buddy.

LOL yeah, as if that statement is so unbelievable, given that it has been proved time and again that Hamas uses human shields.

This thread will end up as another clusterfuck especially when people say they don’t like making assumptions and them making one anyway to justify something. This topic is difficult enough with the facts as it is. I’ll just leave this here quoting the full article. It is written by a jew and sums up everything perfectly. Nothing will change as long as the bully tries to play the role of the victim.

This can end. Giving the Palesteniens their homeland and letting them build a better home or allowing investment is step 1.

Isildurr, why do you keep avoiding my question? Would you ever say the same things for Chechen independence from Russia the way you talk about freeing Palestine? If not, why? Russia has far more thouroughly and brutally carried out genocide and rape in the Caucasus, but according to you, only the US and Israel are the bad guys…why is that?

^ You’re wasting your time. There’s no way to reason with Palestinian apologists. They just avoid critical fact points that totally ruin their arguments, such as the fact that Israel has absolutely no incentive to kill civilians (in fact, it’s Hamas’s incentive) and that Israel could turn Gaza into a parking lot in a matter of hours if genocide was actually their intent.