Earliest Age to Have Sex?

Yes, there is no way to tell. But as anywhere else, people tend to stereotype… Several times I caught myself thinking: “This guy must be vanilla” without any reason other than that he seemed annoyingly conservative…

Interesting. My cousin is also married to a former NFL cheerleader (Miami). She was a cheerleader when they met and 1/2 of her bridesmaids were fellow cheerleaders.

I remember that one too, was kind of disappointing. I also remember Anna Nicole Smith’s first appearance, she was Vicki Smith then, and Pam Anderson’s first appearance, she was natural then.

Well, remember that a correlation less than 1 or greater than -1 still allows for some variation. So just because there’s correlation doesn’t mean there’s a hard-and-fast rule.

In my experience, the most physically attractive women have been a bit less adventurous than the less physically attractive women. Not necessarily a whole lot less adventurous, but enough to be noticeable. I suspect there is a bit of the Avis “we try harder” dynamic going on with women who feel less physically attractive. Nothing wrong with that.

But that’s not the only process at work… what people like to do and how adventurous they are varies a lot even among people of similar attractiveness, and it also changes over time: both relationship-time and with a person’s age. And even the way age changes people varies - some sow their oats young and get conservative as they age, others seem start conservative and get comfortable with themselves and go all over the place.

I’m with Greenman in that you never really know until you know, but it does seem that the most attractive women I’ve been with have been less into exploring and experimenting than the ones who weren’t as attractive.

Could it be that those women feel being objectified more often than average looking women? And hence developed resentment towards it…

Possibly. I actually suspect that more attractive women get hit on so often that they are more used to saying “no” and it becomes more habitual. Or they may feel that people talk about them more because they are attractive and therefore are more concerned about what happens to their reputation if it comes out that they’re “a freak in bed.” So it may be more concern about image control.

I try to be careful about protecting identities and respecting a woman’s privacy, but of course it takes a long time for a woman to feel secure about that, particularly if she’s had bad experiences elsewhere.

I can’t say for sure, but I don’t really think resentment about objectification would explain the differences here. The differences are just too small. I would think resentment about objectification would show up as having a major effect.

I’m also not sure that more attractive women feel more objectified. Women further down the scale may get used and dropped even more easily, and I would think that that leads to feeling objectified and devalued and plenty of resentment too.

^No, I think hot women just don’t think they need to try as hard. I know a guy that only sleeps with plus sized women because he swears they’re unequaled in bed.

It makes sense in theory.

I would question the theory that hot women get hit on more often than average looking girls. I tend to believe the truly hot girls seem unapproachable and therefore most guys will go for the “sure” thing as opposed to something that seems a reach.

It’s true that very attractive women can be intimidating. Maybe they don’t get hit on more often, but they are still hit on pretty often (most women report in groups that it’s usually the hottest one that gets hit on more than anyone else, but maybe there’s bias in that reporting). Of the men who hit on hot women, the number of cads and buffoons is probably quite high.

Anyway, I don’t claim to know the truth on these things; just hypothesizing out loud.

Except they can’t move like small flexible women…

I think at the end of the day it’s not the looks but the vibe that a woman gives out determines whether she is hit on or not…

Yeah, I agree with that. Looks can attract a first glance, but the vibe is definitely what motivates me more.

Despite all the hype it gets, flexibility is actually way down the scale of importance.

A friend showed this to me yesterday. It was both interesting and funny:

  1. A guy asks 100 women straight up if they’ll have sex with him (social experiment with hidden camera).

  2. A girl asks a bunch of guys (about 10 or so) if they’ll have sex with her.

Both are pretty interesting to watch:

Guy asks 100 women


Girl asks guys


But all else equal would be a bonus…

this thread is reminding me of The Streets song Fit But You Know It

bchad, I can’t watch youtube at work. What were the results?

For the guy:

100 women asked.

  • 0 said yes (though asking them in public, in groups and with their moms was pretty much guaranteed not to work)
  • 1 threw a drink in his face
  • 1 said maybe but not now
  • a bunch laughed
  • a bunch said thank you
  • a few said they were flattered
  • a few said that was rude
  • a few said they had boyfriends
  • a few had boyfriends with them (I was impressed no one threw a punch)
  • one gay guy with a bunch of women said he’d be up to do the guy
  • some other stuff that I can’t remember. But it was interesting.

For the girl:

  • About half of the guys eventually say yes
  • Most guys were completely dumbfounded (the girl is pretty attractive)
  • Most guys were suspicious (yeah, a hot girl asks you to have sex now; I’d wonder if will still have both kidneys and/or my wallet at the end)
  • Some guys looked like they might be gay / others said they were gay
  • Some guys were with girlfriends
  • At least one girlfriend gets defensive and angry

There’s another in the series where a couple asks people for threesomes.

And another where a guy goes in for kisses (which has a lot more success than the sex question, but also looks to me like a sexual assault lawsuit waiting to happen, and I suspect some of the women are infuriated but play along so as not to cause a scene).

Anyway, just interesting to watch.

Very interesting / amusing. I think it’s a bit flawed because you have this average guy wearing normal clothes and then you have this dime girl wearing provocative clothing. I found it funny when the girl went up to a few of the guys with gfs and asked the question and they paused, looked at their other, and let their gf respond. I bet they are in some deep sht when they are alone.

Lots of interesting thoughts here.

  1. Some guys are probably punting and hoping their girl might say yes, or offer a threesome; but the girls are almost certainly fuming that their guy didn’t say “no way” right away. Not only did they not reject the hot girl, the guy was indecisive in front of them, and it gets her wondering what he’d say if she wasn’t with him.

  2. I’ve started to get the sense that women care more about the guy being “not unattractive” than about the guy being “super physically attractive.” Most women report that a degree of ballsyness impresses them, provided that it’s not crude (though the approach here at least borders on if not actually is crude).

  3. I do agree that the guy could be dressed better, but it is mostly in LA (I think), which is a lot more casual.