get that bread get that head then leave! peace out

Bags of 6 avocados were on sale 2 for $5.00. They were already fairly ripe, so I passed on them.

Never settle.

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dont eat onions from mexico

Probably not real avacados at that price, assuming adult avacados.

Avocados were on sale. Having guac on toast for brekkie!!! :yum:

Bag of 6 green, rock hard avocados for $2.99 CDN!!!

@S2000magician : Gonna add my pickled jalapenos for guac when the avocados ripen!!!

Me too :blush:

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Go wild!

$6 for a bag of 6 avocados!!! Darned supply shocks!!! Might be a while before I start buying again.

$6.99 for a bag of 6 at the local Asian market and $4.99 sale at my local grocery store!!! :scream:

I bought a bag of six for $4.99. 5 were fine, with one rubbery exception that was tossed into the compost bin.

This mean the bear markets over?

Cuz damn.

I suspect there is a 0 correlation between avocado prices and market returns. Lo siento, mijo… :disappointed:

I just bought a bag of 6 avocados for $4.88 CDN. :crossed_fingers:

What’re you going to make with them?

A little toast, cream cheese, everything bagel seasoning, and a few slices of avocado ain’t nothing to ever be mad at, especially if there’s bacon involved too.

I figure some guacamole. Sometimes I just slice up an avocado to put on toast with a little salt.

Bacon, you say… :thinking: :drooling_face:

2/6 were good, the other 4 were rubbery. :-1: :roll_eyes: :unamused:

Bag of 5 $2.88 at an Asian grocer!!! Hope springs eternal for that price!! :crossed_fingers: