How Low Can Goldman Go Today?

Net return : 1.74% for the month of April … Yessss

how low can you go…how low can you go!!!!

I can’t believe that some people are seriously deluded that nothing apocalyptic will happen if GS goes bust. NYC will go broke.

timotimo, i longed aapl for a @200 and so my investment made some nifty cap gains. I expect aapl to continue its momentum and trend towards the skies. Can you show us ur method of option trading?

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I can’t believe that some people are seriously > deluded that nothing apocalyptic will happen if GS > goes bust. NYC will go broke. Thats why we need to get the wind down legislation into place so there is no more Too Big Too Fail. Blankfein could probably blackmail the administration at this point and threaten a firesale.

marcus phoenix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I can’t believe that some people are seriously > deluded that nothing apocalyptic will happen if GS > goes bust. NYC will go broke. Hank Paulson? Is that you? Yeah, you’re right, cause New York City has a real shortage of investment banks… First off, GS wont go bust. Second, too big to fail is the biggest lie. Sure, hypothetically, a bulge bracket fall might hurt (a lot) in the short run, but in the long run, the smaller, more competitive, conservative firms will gobble up a piece of the pie, wealth will be created, and the government wont have to prop up institutions run by the old money elite. Goldman IS profitable, though, and they will survive this anyway…

After reading through this thread it’s no wonder why GS is down ~-20%. Talk about fear, they get slapped with a civil lawsuit and we some conclude that GS may soon go under.

I am going to bet on the people and not the numbers on this one. I think that when ordinary people, teachers, firemen, municipal workers realize that many of their pensions do business with GS they will be pretty mad and may put pressure on the managers to disassociate with GS. I know that CALPERS said they would maintain their relationship with GS for now, but this latest round of testimony hasnt made its full penetration through the internets. And Greece? While GS may be a scapegoat here, doesnt it seem odd that GS keeps making money and alot of securities they touch turn to dirt?

Too big to fail has to do with commercial banks or commercial insurers. Tell me how much of the middle class is effected if goldman goes bust? Also goldman will not go bust they have crapload of collatreal and cash on hand. But the bank could be spilt up. Some areas of prop trading are already going.

GS could be the most profitable company of all time, but people hate them and it is only going to get worse. For example buffet is going to show is true colors this weekend, hint: he only cares about money(siding with GS) GS is evil period, they shorted American’s homes. Now I’m not a fool, but people are fools and are easily misguided by the media, by other idiots, etc. I suggest you go out and ask people about GS and see what main street thinks. I guarantee you will understand how fucked GS is. Honestly I don’t think GS will survive this, someone has to take a hit, and who better than the people that made billions shorting and instead of returning those profits to shareholders paid themselves bonuses?

timotimo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > GS could be the most profitable company of all > time, but people hate them and it is only going to > get worse. For example buffet is going to show is > true colors this weekend, hint: he only cares > about money(siding with GS) > > GS is evil period, they shorted American’s homes. > Now I’m not a fool, but people are fools and are > easily misguided by the media, by other idiots, > etc. > > I suggest you go out and ask people about GS and > see what main street thinks. I guarantee you will > understand how fucked GS is. > > Honestly I don’t think GS will survive this, > someone has to take a hit, and who better than the > people that made billions shorting and instead of > returning those profits to shareholders paid > themselves bonuses A couple of DB’s CDS traders shorted the housing market and made the bank a few Billion. Should all of this blow over I’m sure GS will turn private in the next couple of years so they don’t have to deal with a “public” image.

Something would def happen if GS goes under. If Lehman bros can freeze up the credit markets what do you think will happen if GS goes under. They actually have some good assets that would have to be sold at firesale prices. Although I don’t think it would be catastrophic in the long run, in the short run it would be bad.

BizBanker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am going to bet on the people and not the > numbers on this one. I think that when ordinary > people, teachers, firemen, municipal workers > realize that many of their pensions do business > with GS they will be pretty mad and may put > pressure on the managers to disassociate with GS. > I know that CALPERS said they would maintain their > relationship with GS for now, but this latest > round of testimony hasnt made its full penetration > through the internets. And Greece? While GS may be > a scapegoat here, doesnt it seem odd that GS keeps > making money and alot of securities they touch > turn to dirt? Status quo bias. Most of these ordinary Joe’s you mentioned couldn’t give a sh1t about their pensions or even know who they do business with.

GS has lost ~ 21B of market cap in last 3 days. Having said that, it’s a strong firm and it would be totally moronic for regulators and govt to force it to go under. If Goldman goes under, there may be many banks that can go under. Is the economy ready for a second debacle? Does the Congress have another 700 Billions to cough up without fearing massive inflation? I think the only thing that will come out of this investigation is set of “best practices” It would be interesting to see if they turn private. However, with so much leverage it seems highly unlikely. Do you think that GS did not think this thru before they disagreed on out of court settlement?

> > GS is evil period, they shorted American’s homes. > Now I’m not a fool, but people are fools and are > easily misguided by the media, by other idiots, > etc. > If you believe this, then you are a fool. Shorting synthetic CDO’s had absolutely no bearing on the performance of the housing market. The bubble would have burst regardless of who was shorting what. When you have the amount of mortgage fraud and reckless lending that was going on it was inevitable. In the long run GS will be fine. They will settle with the SEC without admitting guilt, finance reform will be passed and they will support it, and their image will be battered but they will survive. Worst case scenario they go private.

timotimo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Honestly I don’t think GS will survive this, > someone has to take a hit, and who better than the > people that made billions shorting and instead of > returning those profits to shareholders paid > themselves bonuses? The problem is GS did not do anything illegal (unless disclosure of Paulson’s trade intent to subsequent investors is required). Did they lose some reputation value over this, sure, but nothing significant enough to bring them down. “Main Street” dislikes GS because they see them getting paid a ton of $$ and have no clue what GS really does. People are talking about this thing as if GS was their financial adviser selling them a product that the firm was shorting at the same time. Yes, that sounds pretty bad…but that’s not what GS did. The underlying bonds were fully disclosed and the firms that lost money on this deal (ACA, IKB, etc.) made a bet that did not pay off. It’s not GS fault that they lost money. I think this is getting blow way out of proportion because it’s complicated and few people really understand what happened.

I recommend reading this : I would also read the comments too. You guys better check yourselves, because your all most likely linked to wall street your views are pretty biased. If you don’t snap yourselves back to reality, the market will…

Yes, we all know (or should) that the DOJ has an open investigation on GS. It’s not that surprising considering everything that has happened. The DOJ had already filed charges against those Bear Stearns hedge fund managers and failed. If charges are actually filed (and depending on what the charges are) I will reconsider my stance that GS will not disappear. I think it is a knee jerk reaction to say GS is going under all because of a shaky SEC civil suit and a DOJ investigation (which remember, have a higher threshold to prove that civil suits). I could see (as the article states) charges being brought against some individuals, but I highly doubt the firm will see direct charges. Of course, I have been wrong before. And on the topic of shorting, did anyone else see Ackman’s commentary? I think he makes a good point.

gs will recover. this is simply a game of letting the refs even the playing score. some people saw this coming months ago

CEO Lloyd Blankfein was on Charlie Rose for the hour last night. The interview is now on Charlie’s site.