June CFA Level II Challenge

Hey, just realized I didn’t check in. Readings 30-37, inclusive. I’m finishing 37 today, so let’s say 30-36. That’s 7!

me too…i totally forgot about it… My progress for last week is Reading 19-20 & Reading 47-52 and this week its FI so I am already bored!

Nice one Danny Boy, count me in… Done first 10 study sessions…pushing to finish quants by Sunday.

Hi guys, If you don’t mind, count me in the challenge as well… Starting today and hoping to crack this motherfather in 99 days. It is my second try as I failed with band 6 last year. As there are only 3 days left of this week, will try to complete 5 readings today and over the weekend and then will start with the agreed upon 7 readings a week during the next full week. The plan is to read Schweser, do the questions there and the EOC questions in the curriculum as I go along… oh and take very light notes on just the most important things. I work full time too so I am sure the next 99 days will be nothing but awesome :frowning: Best of luck to all of you! hp

Count me in. 1 reading per day on average including EOCs, it’s going to be challenging. I also need to finish quants by Sunday and I haven’t studied the ethics cases…

Done with FRA - 8 readings. Next week’s target: Corporate Finance, Alternative Investment. Got a day off in between. Lets c.

Quants stretched me, so to date i have gone as far as reading 11, starting on FRA and Econs today.

Started the challenge on Friday of last week and did SS60,61,62 for the 3 days - Schweser readings and Qs, EOC + light notes for myslef. Will do seven readings this week (no excuses) but I will move out of order - After completing Derivatives&Portfolio management will move to some of the ‘larger’/‘more important’ sections Equity, FRA, etc. Best of luck to everyone!!!

I did readings 14,15,16,17 and I had 3 readings in hand readings 8,9 and 10. That means am still in the game.

but what about our challenge moderator??

Keep going everyone - post your update if you haven’t already!

Honestly, my brain is so fried I can’t even remember what readings I did when. Retention is shot, not due to the challenge but because there’s just too much info to cram into my head without reviewing and reviewing. This first pass is a bastard. Anyhow, I did readings 38-43, inclusive. I guess that makes for six readings this week, which would mean I’m not ‘keeping up’. Granted, these readings are the meat of equity and are small books in themselves. I literally dreamed about DDM last night. It was weird. Right now halfway through 44, trying to remember all the formulae to calculate P/E, P/B, P/S, P/CF, EV/EBITDA…

Im joining in too. I will start updating from next monday.

i have to admit am getting addicted to this thread…but then it keeps me motivated to see lots of you or is it us…pulling together…i am encouraged to give it my best shot! come end of Aprill i will be done…am doing five hours after work every day…and i will take the whole of May off consolidating…lets keep the fire burning…we going to crack level II.

Count me in, guys! Starting today and will probably miss my target this week as doing FSA at the moment but we’ll see

BINGO! starting today properly studying.

Let’s have everyone who is in the challenge check in. The weekend is coming up and even if you’re behind in your one reading per day then you still can make it up!

Done with Corp Fin and Alt Inv. Will do Fixed Income this week. With that I would have done everything once.

I doubt you’ll retain 30% at this speed on the reading.

I doubt I’d retain 30% regardless if I read slowly. The longer it’s been between me and the first readings, the less I remember. I see your point though. I figure this is like building a foundation. Right now I’m tracking to be done the books by the start of april, and will have a lot of the stuff stewing around in my head, half-remembered. I can then do a practice test or two and see areas that I do and do not get, go back, review those weak sections, do all the EOCs again for every section and build the house on top of that foundation. I won’t finish these readings and be able to pass - i’ll be in a position where with further preparation I’ll be able to.