Where are the regulars?

Yea I passed. I’ve just been too busy all day to post something until now. I still cant believe a few of the regulars didnt pass. You guys are going to get +70% in all sections next year for sure. PS. I failed PM, pretty sure I got negative points on that section.

nibs congrats!

Nice work Nibs.

congrats nibbi! no surprise…really.

I passed and apprently have no idea how to be ethical…

Same here chadtap…I must be a rotten person

Yeah, I can’t believe you held out on watching those games…I had nowhere near the amount of self control to do that. Recording on Tivo and flying through stoppages helped winnow the games down to about an hour and a half though, although even that felt dirty. I think I’ll be having that problem again this time around. Now that we have Hossa too, it’s not even fair! mwvt9 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ng30, > > I have done a lot of research concerning efficient > market stuff so maybe that was providence/dumb > luck (depending on which camp you fall in). > > I can still remember studying when the stanley cup > playoffs were going on. It almost makes my > stomach sick thinking about it. But we did have > some nice volleys going back and forth when the > superior Pens ultimatley lost. :slight_smile: > > Thanks for all the help.

Did Mcpass pass?

I think he did. Congrats to them regulars on L2 and L3 who passed. For those who didn’t make, I know you can do this thing…sorry about the time lost… Def I’m a regular Irregular. Guess I give up on the thread cos of the time diff and the internet not connected @ home or on phone…anyways, will do soon…hopefully…

Banny and dinesh, I am seriously going to miss you both next year. Ng, way to represent the D. Dubbs, you’re the man. what else can I say. SanFran, if instead of protesting the olympic torch, you had studied another few hours on Fixed Income, you would have aced it - but who cares because we’re on to LIII. Everyone else, I honestly think I love you. I leaned on AF so much more for LII than I did for LI, and still just barely squeaked by after failing econ, stats, and pm. I’d love to join the regulars loop, dburke15@gmail. If not, you’ll know where to find me come November.

LOL. there was no doubt in my mind you’d pass, man… after all, you CREATED the pledge. by the way, i also feel like the kid who nobody wants on their kickball team with this regulars email…

cfasf1 hit me with an addy- you’re a cool kid fo sheezy

johnsline@gmail.com they like me. they really like me. thanks bannis

How did you guys all do on the PM section? I actually got 50-70% which is VERY surprising to me. I must’ve guessed right on 2 questions.

Pretty sure I went 6/6 in PM, but might have gone 0/6 in Econ (not to mention ethics)!

<50% in econ and PM and passed…and paid for that pass with three months of nightmares about failing based on econ BoP and ridiculous PM.

F*cking BoP. I failed econ also.

mwvt, 6/6 in pm? wtf?? that’s an incredible feat if you ask me. i thought i had pm down and i got less than 50%. not surprised either. however, in econ, i think i may have gotten a bop question right… and fixed income was an unmitigated disaster.

I said in an earlier post that the PM section was pretty lucky for me. Some was with stuff I work with pretty regularly and I narrow stuff down to 2 choices on two of them and guessed right based on discussions here. But in ethics I probably had 5 questions down to 2 answers and guess wrong on every one of them…so in the long-run everything was a wash.

When I saw that I failed econ and PM, I remembered why I felt so depressed after walking out of that afternoon session - I really did get crushed by it.